Wood Street Heroes – Whalley Range High School

What made you decide to support Wood Street Mission?

We have supported Wood Street Mission since 2019.  As the Charity Co-ordinator, I decided that our school should support a local charity. I shortlisted four charities and gave an assembly to the whole school, sharing an overview of what each charity did, and how they help to support people living in Greater Manchester. Wood Street Mission won the vote with over 50% of the total votes cast. We have supported Wood Street Mission ever since, and they continue to be our whole school charity.

Can you tell us a little bit more about the different ways you’ve supported over the past year?

The list is endless – bag packing, bake sales, non-uniform days, movie evenings, staff and student performances such as the Greatest Showman and Grease and not to forget the annual toy appeal!

You’ve been fantastic at engaging the whole school community – can you tell us more about that?

We encourage students to get involved as much as they can in our charity events.  Before Covid, we used to run an inter-house competition for the most charitable house which was always a highlight at the end of term. We now run events in year groups and it is lovely to see students getting actively involved in raising money and coming up with fantastic ideas about how they want to raise money through various events.

What was your fundraising highlight?

The Christmas toy collection.  Staff have been donating new toys and money instead of sending Christmas cards for the past five years. With the money that we collect, we contact Wood Street and ask which age group we should purchase gifts for.  We have generally bought gifts for teenage boys and girls.  I will never forget arriving at Wood Street in the school minibus the first time, seeing the team come and help us unload the minibus and load the gifts onto the conveyor belt. I remember a lady waiting to collect gifts get hold of my hand and say “thank you”.  This will stay with me forever.

Probably most memorable for our students are the staff and student performances and the doughnut and sweet sales!

How does it feel to be supporting a small, independent, local charity?

It is humbling to see first hand, the difference all of the donations make.  Knowing that any money and items donated are going to help local families in need makes everything worthwhile. Any support Large or small will help support families in Manchester and Salford, whether this be donating a bag of clothes your children have grown out of, or toys they no longer play with.

What would you say to anyone considering supporting Wood Street Mission?

Take the time to read about the history of Wood Street Mission, what support they provide and if possible, pay a visit. The team at Wood Street are wonderful and always there to advise and guide. There are so many rewarding ways of making a difference.