Support Us In Your Workplace

Whatever the size of your organisation, there are plenty of ways to get involved with Wood Street Mission and support our work.

Fundraise For Us

  • Nominate us – we would be delighted if you select Wood Street Mission as your Charity of the Year!
  • Organise a fundraising event in your team or organisation – quizzes, talent shows, bake offs – we’ve even had duck races filmed and shared!
  • Match fund money you raise – many companies have this scheme running to recognise your fundraising efforts
  • Set up a payroll giving scheme – so your staff can give a regular gift each month

No matter how much you raise, you’ll have made a real, positive difference to local children and their families, dealing with the impact poverty has on their day to day lives. We rely on donations to continue and develop our work, and keep all our services free for families to access. Whatever you’d like to get involved in, do get in touch and let us know your plans. We will provide as much support as we can.

Whilst fundraising is vital for us, there are many other ways to get involved that are equally as valuable to us:

Get Involved

  • Encourage donations of essential items for us  – from  children’s clothes, toys and toiletries, to uniform for our SmartStart appeal, or toys and treats at Christmas – you can collect in the office or order online to be delivered direct
  • Is your company a manufacturer or supplier of the items families need – could you make a donation of surplus stock or samples?
  • Volunteer! From supporting our Family Basics project to helping with our Christmas Appeal, donating your time is really valuable to us
  • Follow, Like and Share – help us spread awareness of how poverty impacts children’s lives and the support families need