Wood Street Heroes – Michael Kidd

Why did you want to support Wood Street Mission? 
It’s a fantastic local charity. Too many kids in our great city of Manchester and Salford are living in abject poverty. Wood Street Mission is over 150 years old and has been helping children from struggling families for all of that time. One of those children was my Nana and a lot of dear friends of mine have been helped by this charity. They’d never have had a Christmas present if it wasn’t for Wood Street.

What did you do? Who did you do it with?
Walked 110 miles in one week with my two sons. We started on 28th August and walked from Duncan Edwards’ statue in Dudley, back to Sir Matt Busby’s statue on Warwick Road, finishing on Friday 1st September. 

What was the best part?
Raising over £16,000 thanks to my community, friends and family.

What was the hardest part of the challenge?
There wasn’t one

What would you say to someone who was thinking about taking on a challenge to support Wood Street Mission with their friends or family?